The Harris campaign is reportedly navigating choppy financial waters, with leaks from insiders painting a picture of a cash-strapped operation teetering on the brink. Despite...
As Donald Trump readies himself to step into the Oval Office once again, the U.S.-Mexico border has turned into a frenzied scene, with illegal immigrants...
Washington is abuzz with anticipation over President-elect Donald Trump’s plans to slash through the mountain of Obama-Biden regulations, a pile that’s come with a staggering...
Republicans are gearing up to retain control of the House of Representatives, sealing the party’s hold on Washington with President-elect Trump set to reclaim the...
Just days after MSNBC managed to squeak by CNN in the election night ratings, its audience numbers took a nosedive, highlighting the network’s ongoing struggle...
Following Donald Trump’s 2024 election victory, more than half of Kamala Harris voters are reportedly itching to pack up and leave, according to a survey...