8.5 C
New York
October 16, 2024

Shock: 4% of Haiti’s Population Is In the US Under Biden-Harris

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are up to their usual antics, this time with a twist that should have every American scratching their heads. Apparently, they’ve been rolling out the red carpet for an astonishing number of Haitian migrants, flying them directly into the U.S. on the taxpayers’ dime. You heard that right—the administration is actively arranging and footing the bill for these “migrants” to land in the U.S. But before we dive deeper into this bizarre scheme, let’s lay some groundwork here.

It’s truly mind-blowing to sift through the news these days, especially when you’re trying to get a handle on the facts. As someone who used to report for newspapers 25 years ago, back when journalism actually cared about facts instead of pushing political agendas, it’s a whole new world now. I was researching another piece about Springfield, Ohio, where locals are claiming that newly arrived Haitians have been stealing ducks, geese, and even pets from parks and neighborhoods. But instead of honest reporting, every headline was basically a DNC press release. “Baseless claims” this, “no evidence” that. Meanwhile, there’s plenty of evidence—eyewitnesses, police reports—the kind of evidence that holds up in court, by the way. Yet the mainstream media keeps pretending it’s all fiction.

Now, let’s take a look at an article from Newsweek. Sure, they’ll tell you that the Biden administration has supposedly seen a 70% drop in illegal border crossings recently, but don’t get too excited. The fine print? The drop only happened after Republicans applied pressure, fed up with the millions of unvetted illegal immigrants flooding into the country. And let’s not forget, the numbers are only so high because the Biden-Harris circus let the border crossings skyrocket in the first place. So, yeah, nice try, but that “drop” in crossings is a little less impressive when you look at how we got here.

But here’s the real kicker: buried deep in the article, where they hope no one bothers to read, is a little nugget of truth from Customs and Border Patrol. Turns out that by the end of August 2024, nearly 530,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans arrived legally on commercial flights under some parole process. Translation: half a million people were flown in, courtesy of the U.S. government. Does any of this make sense to anyone? Flying people in from other countries on commercial flights and calling it “legal” just because they got a free pass? It’s a head-scratcher, to say the least.

And if that isn’t enough to wake people up, how about this for perspective? A chart shared by a social media user on X (formerly known as Twitter) shows the percentage of entire populations from countries like Nicaragua, Cuba, and Honduras that have been essentially airlifted into the U.S. We’re talking six percent of their populations. Haiti’s not far behind at four percent. Just let that sink in for a moment. We’re not just dealing with a trickle of migrants anymore—it’s more like an invasion, all facilitated by a government that seems determined to play fast and loose with our borders.

So, while the Biden-Harris administration pats themselves on the back for reducing border crossings, the reality is they’ve already imported hundreds of thousands via the front door. And the American people are left wondering just what kind of game is being played here, and who’s really benefiting from all of this. Spoiler: it’s not us.

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