8.5 C
New York
October 16, 2024

George Soros Leveraging Illegal Voters to Tip the Election

It seems there’s a concerted effort to turn immigrants and refugees into a voting bloc in key swing states, with the aim of influencing the outcome of national and local elections. The National Partnership for New Americans is at the forefront of this strategy. This organization describes itself as a multiethnic and multiracial network of immigrant and refugee rights groups. They’ve had quite a financial boost too, receiving $560,000 from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations between 2016 and 2021. In 2023 alone, they reported a revenue of $4.11 million.

The group is proud of its success in helping naturalize over 250,000 U.S. citizens and pushing for more affordable and accessible naturalization processes. With slogans like “Naturalize 2 Million by 2022” splashed across their website, it’s clear they have a political goal in mind. And they’re not shy about it, claiming that these new American voters can sway elections. It’s no secret that Democrats benefit from immigration, and despite the usual rebuttal that illegal immigrants can’t vote, this group’s efforts to get as many legal immigrants as possible onto voter rolls show how the left views immigration as a tool for political dominance.

The numbers back up these suspicions. Data from past elections show that districts with higher-than-average foreign-born populations overwhelmingly voted Democrat in the 2018 midterms. With the U.S. foreign-born population now at an all-time high of 51.6 million under the Biden-Harris administration, it’s clear where this is headed. Illegal immigration makes up about 58% of that increase, according to estimates. Swing states like Arizona and Georgia were decided by razor-thin margins in 2020, and with over 86,000 new citizens naturalized in Georgia alone since then, Democrats are eager to capitalize on this growing voting base.

The New American Voters campaign, a project by the National Partnership for New Americans, keeps detailed demographic reports on these key swing states, making it clear just how much this naturalization effort can influence future elections. Their reports track newly naturalized citizens in states like Arizona, where more than 62,000 new voters have joined the ranks since 2020. It’s no wonder the group is pressuring President Biden to adopt even more left-leaning immigration policies, like supporting pathways to citizenship.

This effort isn’t just limited to one organization. Groups like the Immigrant Legal Resource Center are also heavily funded by Soros, having received nearly $7 million between 2016 and 2022. Their mission goes beyond naturalization, as they also focus on preventing deportations of illegal immigrants, even those with criminal records. With over $25 million in revenue in 2022 alone, they’re pushing hard for policies that make it harder to deport illegal immigrants, all while mobilizing more non-citizens to eventually become voters.

Even without these concerted efforts, the problem is already significant. Some studies suggest that up to 27% of non-citizens are illegally registered to vote. This number could be enough to swing major elections, from congressional races to the presidency itself. Republicans like Sen. Ted Cruz have sounded the alarm, warning that mass immigration will permanently shift the political landscape to the left, giving Democrats an unbeatable edge in future elections. The stakes are high, and it seems the left is playing the long game with immigration as their ace in the hole.

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