October 16, 2024

Epic: Bill Maher Bashes CNN for Bias

Bill Maher is back on air, and while you’d think he’d be thrilled about the current state of the 2024 race, especially with Biden out of the picture, he didn’t hold back during his recent show. Inviting CNN’s Kaitlan Collins onto Real Time, Maher took the opportunity to grill her about CNN’s so-called “unbiased” coverage. Maher might be an anti-Trump liberal, but let’s not kid ourselves—he hasn’t completely lost his mind. Lately, he’s been spending a good portion of his airtime taking shots at Democrats and liberals, calling out their nonsense on everything from transgender surgeries to the constant mask mandates and even the questionable content creeping into children’s programming. It’s clear Maher isn’t buying into the woke agenda.

When it came to CNN, Maher once again hit the nail on the head. Collins had just been on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where the audience burst into laughter at the idea that CNN is a middle-of-the-road network. Even Maher couldn’t let that slide, pointing out the obvious.

“I know what the conservative side of America thinks about CNN, and I don’t blame them,” Maher said, calling out the network’s blatant bias.

Maher had watched Kamala Harris’s speech and noted that while it was decent, it certainly wasn’t the historic masterpiece that CNN made it out to be. Yet, the network dedicated 15 minutes to fawning over the convention and Harris, leaving conservative commentator Scott Jennings to fight a lonely battle against the tidal wave of left-leaning propaganda.

Maher didn’t mince words, likening CNN’s approach to tokenism, suggesting it might be better not to bother with the charade of including a lone conservative voice in a panel stacked with five, six, or even seven liberals. Collins, of course, tried to defend her employer, insisting that CNN’s lineup during the Democratic convention was just a matter of giving airtime to those with experience, like David Axelrod, not an intentional sidelining of Jennings.

But things went off the rails when Collins attempted to paint CNN as fair and balanced, even claiming her family in Alabama, who support Trump, watch her show. She even went as far as to suggest that CNN anchors like Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, and Abby Phillip aren’t Democrats.

Maher wasn’t buying it. “They come across that way,” he retorted.

Maher also took a jab at Kamala Harris’s dismissive attitude toward the press, pointing out that while Trump’s attacks on the media are harsh, Harris’s seeming indifference is even more offensive.

“But she’s [Kamala] kind of saying, ‘I don’t need you. You don’t matter. You’re not relevant anymore.’ To me, that’s even worse than ‘I hate you,'” Maher said.

It’s no secret Maher plans to vote for Harris, but even he’s not letting CNN’s attempts to rewrite reality slide. And as for Collins’s claim that Tapper, Phillip, and Bash aren’t Democrats—well, the folks at Newsbusters could give her a reality check on that one.

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