October 15, 2024

CBS Caught Editing ’60 Mins’ Interview to Bail Out Kamala

Kamala Harris’s CBS News interview was exactly what we’ve come to expect—an absolute disaster. And, of course, CBS couldn’t let her embarrassing performance air without doing some selective editing to make her seem at least somewhat coherent. Bill Whitaker, the interviewer, wasn’t throwing her curveballs either. His questions were simple, especially the ones about how she plans to fund her domestic agenda. Yet somehow, Kamala still managed to serve up a word salad so convoluted it left viewers wondering if she even understood what she was talking about. Typical.

Now, let’s get to the real mess—her segment on immigration. Give Whitaker some credit, though. He didn’t let her off the hook easily. Kamala tried to dodge the questions not once, not twice, but three times. Each time, she crashed and burned. Even Whitaker, who’s no conservative, couldn’t ignore the facts: illegal immigration has skyrocketed under the Biden-Harris administration, and Kamala can’t explain it. She comes off as someone who’s way out of her league, barely able to scrape together a coherent sentence. The Trump campaign has already jumped on this trainwreck, demanding CBS release the full, unedited interview because, honestly, who can trust the network that gave us Dan Rather, the godfather of fake news?

And why is anyone surprised? Kamala doing poorly in an interview is like the sun rising in the east—it’s predictable. She’s got to do these interviews because, well, that’s her job. But everyone and their grandma knows she’s terrible at them. Meanwhile, Biden keeps butting in, supposedly “prepping” for some hurricane no one’s heard of, cutting into Kamala’s precious media time. She even thought Ron DeSantis had to coordinate disaster relief efforts with her—talk about delusional. While she’s fumbling her way through friendly interviews, people in southern states like North Carolina and Georgia are still waiting for real aid.

If Kamala needs this much media “surgery” just to make her interviews airable, the situation is beyond salvageable. The fact that CBS had to cut and splice her words to make her sound remotely competent says it all. Harris is simply not up to the task. She’s unqualified, and it shows. If this is the best the Democrats have to offer, it’s no wonder they’re scrambling to cover for her with their selective edits.

The icing on the cake was when Bill Whitaker brought up Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Harris’s rambling response in the preview clip was pure gibberish. Yet, by the time the actual show aired, her answer was magically transformed into something far more coherent. How convenient, right? The Trump team was quick to call out the obvious, demanding the release of the full transcript. If CBS had to clean up her mess this much, you know it’s bad. It’s almost laughable at this point, but then again, when it comes to Harris, nothing really surprises us anymore.

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