October 16, 2024
Big Govt

Bombshell: Transcript Proves DOD Blocked Trump’s Troops on J6

We’ve heard plenty of tall tales from the left about the events of January 6, but the most persistent one involves Donald Trump allegedly sitting back, twiddling his thumbs, and letting the chaos unfold without a care in the world. They claim he never requested the National Guard, that he knew violence was coming and just shrugged it off. And who led the charge on this disinformation? None other than former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her merry band of truth-benders on the J6 Committee.

But, as always, there’s more to the story. Enter Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), Chairman of the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight. According to Loudermilk, Trump did ask for reinforcements to keep the peace, and he’s got the transcripts to prove it. Turns out, it was the Pentagon brass who ignored those requests, worrying more about “optics” than actually doing their jobs. In a recent press release, Loudermilk didn’t hold back, saying Pentagon officials not only ignored Trump’s guidance but also misled Congress about their actions.

Apparently, Trump sat down with senior military leaders days before January 6 and told them point-blank: Make sure it’s safe. You know, like a president is supposed to do. He even told them he didn’t care if they used the National Guard or active-duty soldiers—just make sure things didn’t go off the rails. Pretty straightforward, right? But, of course, that’s not what happened. Milley, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, basically blew off the request, and we all know how the day turned out.

And if you think Milley’s attitude was bad, just wait until you hear from then-Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. Miller apparently thought Trump’s request for troops was just “presidential banter.” Yeah, because asking for troops to keep order is something to be taken lightly, right? Miller even had the gall to compare Trump’s speech on January 6 to one of Castro’s long-winded rants, all while brushing off the request to make sure people were safe.

What’s even more shocking is the Pentagon’s apparent obsession with how things would “look.” Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund recalled asking for help, only to be told that the Army didn’t like the “optics” of National Guard troops standing in front of the Capitol. Well, I guess appearances mattered more than actually preventing a riot. What’s staggering is seeing these officials openly defy their commander-in-chief. The arrogance, the flippancy, it’s all there in their own words. So while Pelosi and her cronies push the tired narrative that Trump did nothing, these transcripts show the opposite—he saw the danger coming and tried to stop it. It’s just that the people in charge didn’t listen. Shocking, but somehow not surprising in today’s political climate.

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