October 15, 2024

Behold, Kamala’s Train Wreck At the Border

Kamala Harris finally made her way to the southern border, but let’s not kid ourselves—it’s just another box to check to make it look like she suddenly cares about illegal immigration. Harris has long been the poster child for lenient immigration policies, and no last-minute tough talk is going to erase that reputation. Let’s not forget that her administration allowed hordes of criminals, including rapists and murderers, to stroll into the country. Yet, here she is, acting like she’s going to clean up the mess she helped create. It’s a nice show for the cameras, but it’s a bit insulting to the American people’s intelligence.

Now, Harris is trying to pivot, announcing that she’ll keep Biden’s asylum crackdown in place if she somehow ends up in the White House. In fact, she’s saying she’ll go even further, toughening the policy that suspends asylum claims when border crossings hit a certain threshold. Sure, it sounds like she’s getting serious now, but where was this urgency over the past few years? The only reason she’s talking tough now is that former President Donald Trump has a clear edge with voters on immigration. She’s trying to claw back some credibility, but the timing reeks of political desperation.

During her visit to Douglas, Arizona, Harris will supposedly hammer home the point that she’s tougher on the border than Trump, while also blaming him for killing a bipartisan border deal. According to her prepared remarks, Harris will claim that the American people deserve a president who cares more about border security than political games. The irony is thick here. Where was this strong border stance when she was happily pushing the Biden-Harris immigration policy that opened the floodgates?

Speaking of bad timing, Harris’s trip to the border couldn’t have come at a worse moment. A fresh report from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) just exposed how disastrous the Biden-Harris immigration policies have been. Hundreds of thousands of criminals, including thousands of murderers and rapists, were allowed to enter the country on their watch. When you lose control of the border, this is what happens. Mollie Hemingway from The Federalist pointed out that in a rational world, this would disqualify any candidate from running for office. But here we are, watching Harris pretend she’s going to crack down on a border she’s already helped destroy.

So, let’s sum it up: Kamala Harris visits the border she’s been avoiding, promising to get tough on immigration just in time for the election. It’s a nice act, but anyone paying attention can see through it.

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