7 C
New York
October 16, 2024

Teamsters Union Rank & File Support Trump ‘Bigly’

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters has decided not to endorse any presidential candidate ahead of the 2024 election, delivering a significant blow to Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. This union, which has typically been a strong supporter of the Democrats, is stepping back from picking a side, and that’s not great news for Harris, who’s already struggling to win over rank-and-file union members across the country. It’s a clear sign that the Democratic nominee isn’t connecting with the very people she needs to win over.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, has been doing the opposite, actively reaching out to union workers. Trump’s focus on tariffs and combating foreign countries that undercut U.S. manufacturing is playing well with the working class. In fact, Trump had a meeting with Teamsters leadership earlier this year, and the result was nothing short of historic. The union’s president, Sean O’Brien, even addressed the Republican National Convention, a first for the Teamsters, and O’Brien has praised Trump’s running mate, Senator J.D. Vance. That’s not something you’d expect from union leadership, but it’s happening.

Before making their decision, the Teamsters took a look at polling among their members, and the results weren’t pretty for Harris. The majority of the union’s rank-and-file members are backing Trump over Harris by nearly 60 percent. According to their internal polling, 59.6 percent of the electronically surveyed members said they support Trump, while Harris lagged far behind with 34 percent. Among those polled over the phone, Trump still held a solid lead, with 58 percent backing him compared to just 31 percent for Harris.

This kind of shift within the union is a big deal. The Teamsters, once a reliable Democratic voting bloc, are showing serious signs of change. With an additional 6.4 percent of their members saying they’re supporting a third candidate, it’s clear that Harris is losing ground with the working class. For a union as influential as the Teamsters to stay neutral speaks volumes about how disconnected the Democrats are from their traditional base.

In short, Trump has made inroads where Harris is faltering. The Teamsters’ decision not to endorse anyone may not be the final nail in the coffin for the Harris campaign, but it’s a huge red flag. The Democrats may want to rethink their strategy if they expect to keep their grip on the working-class vote. If they don’t, they might find themselves losing to Trump once again, especially with unions like the Teamsters turning their backs.

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