7 C
New York
October 16, 2024

Invasion: Over Two-Thirds of Migrants Under Biden Are Illegal

The Biden administration seems utterly incapable of coming clean about the escalating “migrant” crisis at the U.S. border. It’s like they’ve got a wheel of excuses, spinning it and choosing a different narrative each time. First, they tell us there’s no crisis at all. Then, when that doesn’t fly, they blame Trump, because why not? And when the facts get too glaring to ignore, they pivot again, insisting that all these migrants flooding in are actually a net positive. It’s almost like they’re allergic to the truth.

Remember when President Biden handed Vice President Kamala Harris the reins to solve this mess? Her task was to identify the “root cause” of why so many people are pouring over our barely defended southern border. But the Democrats, along with their cheerleaders in the mainstream media, spent days deflecting and getting bent out of shape over whether Harris should be called the “border czar.” Talk about focusing on the real issues, right? It’s as if the title mattered more than the fact that the border crisis has spiraled out of control under her so-called watch.

The dishonesty doesn’t end there. The language itself is a manipulation. Have you noticed how terms like “illegal alien” or even “undocumented immigrant” have been scrubbed from the conversation? Now everyone is a “migrant,” as if they’re just happy-go-lucky travelers with a knapsack on their back, strolling into the U.S. on some whimsical adventure. Never mind that the majority of these arrivals are military-aged men breaking the law to enter. But sure, let’s call them all “migrants” and pretend there’s nothing more to see here.

Take the 4,000 Venezuelan “migrants” who recently turned a Target parking lot in Colorado into a disaster zone, trashing the area and firing guns into the air. The Aurora police described it as a mere “gathering,” because apparently lawlessness is the new normal. But don’t worry, the administration is too busy spinning its narratives to address this kind of behavior.

If you want the real numbers, the Wall Street Journal pulled data from the Congressional Budget Office showing that over 70 percent of these so-called “migrants” who entered the country under Biden did so illegally. But sure, let’s keep pretending there’s no crisis. After all, what’s a little chaos when the administration is busy trying to convince us that everything’s just fine?

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